A selection of the paintings I made between 2016 and 2018
Acrylpaint on paper
Stickpeople Stickpeople Stickpeople Stickpeople Emotions Emotions Emotions Emotions Chinese alphabet people Chinese alphabet people Chinese alphabet people Chinese alphabet people Sexual energy Sexual energy Sexual energy Sexual energy Colours Colours Colours Colours Postures Postures Postures Postures ‘In Love’ – acrylpaint ‘In Love’ – acrylpaint ‘Connection’ in acrylpaint ‘Connection’ in acrylpaint Tree spirit Flower spirits Flower spirits Flower spirits ‘Postures’ in charcoal ‘Postures’ in charcoal ‘Postures’ in charcoal ‘Postures’ in charcoal Postures Postures Postures Postures ‘Crazy bunch’ – acrylpaint ‘Crazy bunch’ – acrylpaint ‘Crazy bunch’ – acrylpaint ‘Crazy bunch’ – acrylpaint In dots In dots Shapes Innocence Treeson – acrylpaint Treeson – Acrylpaint Treeson – Acrylpaint Treeson – Acrylpaint Square face Square face Square face Square face On the runway On the runway On the runway On the runway
Together Together Together A bit low A bit low A bit low Movement Movement Movement Movement too Movement too Movement too Ancestral statue Ancestral statue Ancestral statue Getting to know you Getting to know you Getting to know you Havank Havank Havank Cute weird animal Cute weird animal